Iron wars 30k army
Iron wars 30k army

iron wars 30k army

At best the MoI would be able to limit the damage of a Chaos created Heresy event to the Imperium and deliver greater damage to the Chaos traitor forces so that there are less of them in the future.Trying to plan an army is never easy. Unless there is a way for the Men of Iron to either draw the Emperor's attention to Chaos's subversion agents, or deal with said agents themselves there isn't really that much the MoI could do to stop Chaos beyond destroying Material Assets that Chaos has already decided to sacrifice. It was a level of subversion far far beyond anything Chaos had ever intentionally done before in it's entire history and caught the Emperor by complete surprise. It was the Horus Heresy that turned Chaos into a true Galactic Power, gaining it the Chaos Space Marine Legions, the Dark Mechanicus, massive armies of cultists and sleeper agents riddled through Imperial society, acting as the seed from which massive Chaos Cults would eventually grow from. Lorgar was even able to have his Legion build religious temples to him for a century before their slow pace of conquest drew the attention of the higher ups to Lorgar). The thing is though that Chaos actually wanted the Great Crusade to be successful, because Chaos is more then willing to sacrifice it's current meager assets for a chance to infiltrate the Imperium's military, taking advantage of the frantic pace of the Great Crusade and the somewhat centralized nature of the Imperium's military to corrupt it from the inside out, with the Emperor none the wiser(the insane pace of the Great Crusade, coupled with the galaxy wide scale of the operation and the Imperium's communications and travel issues means the Emperor is often far to busy to pay attention to all but the most important matters.

iron wars 30k army

Unless humanity pulled an Eldar and created a Chaos god with a direct hardline to all the souls of mankind then Chaos just didn't have the forces to be anything other then a small scale problem(small in that it was only really a planetary or star system scale danger, a minor nuisance to a galaxy spanning polity like the Imperium) that simply wasnt able to do to a humanity that wasn't worshipping them, beyond messing with psykers. The Emperor was actually right in his belief that the Great Crusade and the Imperial Truth would actually deal a massive blow against Chaos because of just how small Chaos's footprint in the galaxy is right now.

#Iron wars 30k army plus#

Mainly consisting of a few primitive human planets scattered here and there plus some small time Xenos empires that haven't a hope in hell of becoming true galactic powers.

iron wars 30k army

While it's forces in the Warp are without number, it's assets in the Material universe are far more limited. Ironically enough at this time Chaos is actually a pretty minor threat all things considered and the one the Men of Iron would be least capable of fighting. Urlakk Urg the Warboss of Ullanor, Gharkul Blackfang and the Warboss of Gorro.Īnd finally there's Chaos. First because their were at least four wars against the Rangdan as Mankind and the Rangdan fought each other for dominance over the galaxy(kinda like how Rome and Carthage fought each other over dominance of the Mediterranean).Īfter the Rangdan we have the Orks, at least three of them were getting scary close to reaching Beast levels by the time the Imperium faced them. Ok right now, the most immediate threat to human dominance of the Galaxy is the Rangdan, who are massively scary enough that it wasn't until the Horus Heresy that the Imperium got brought as closely to the brink of destruction as the First Rangdan Xenocide(which ultimately required the Emperor using the Void Dragon as a pokemon to win). A 30K quest as loyal Men of Iron huh? Neat.

Iron wars 30k army